The Controversially Political Humor thread

5:48 Is that you @dogooder?
I haven't looked, what are you trying to infer?

4:50 There's even a guy you might relate to, doesn't believe in God, doesn't believe in government... he believes in PEOPLE! Even he admits that the people at the protest know NOTHING.

What is your point, what are you trying to say? Don't be scared, don't beat around the bush, say what you mean, mean what you say.
Where does this steaming pile of elephant shit even go without starting a new thread? I choose here.

So the ‘United Nations’ that the might U.S. promotes to control the rest of the non-U.S. world to give the illusion that we level the playing grounds with everyone and give the wealthiest of the world nations important veto power. The UN repeatedly brings human atrocities of Israel against the Palestinians under the veil of Israel ‘fighting the terrorist’ into formal votes to denounce the human atrocities, charge Israel (Netanyahu and right Parliament) and cease and desist. And U.S. and Israel (and Russia and China) snicker and chide and wonder why they even send delegates there, and rightfully so. All of these world antics with no substance behind their legitimacy or functional purpose is actually so sad that it’s amusing.

Obey Big Brother. Conform.