Do you think Kamal Harris would be a good POTUS?

Would Kamala Harris Be A Good Commander-Chief Of The United States?

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She can't even form a sentence without acting as if she is talking to grade school kids. And it shows in her abilities to actually govern or perform the things she is asked to do.

Nope. Complete failure IMO.

I could be wrong, but nobody will prove it to me because they cant....
If that wacky, noodle-brained bitch gets herself office I will (sadly) laugh my fucking ass off then rhetorically ask ‘why’? Then I’ll take up residence in a tropical island for a few years while her absurdly boisterous laughs and inability to maintain clear thinking rule the country I love while sobbing beneath a coconut palm and hiking with locals at the shitshow voters they themselves created.
It is disturbing to me, though maybe others will give insight, how the fuck would anyone vote for a diminished-likely and proven 'less than ideal' president, that has this impossible meat of a backup next in line?

It's just insane to me.
There is a very probable chance she will be in Office before Biden’s term ends and you would be a fool to think that is not a real likelihood. So how will Kamala donas acting Commander in Chief. Come in now, don’t be shy. Share your opinions on her in that acting position. I really want to hear them. I may even take due off of ignore status to read his blathering idiocy on this one
It is disturbing to me, though maybe others will give insight, how the fuck would anyone vote for a diminished-likely and proven 'less than ideal' president, that has this impossible meat of a backup next in line?

It's just insane to me.
I know, that’s why I wanted to put this thread up. This site needs some truth and reality at this point so let pro Biden/Harris supporters bring their best. Assuming (_and it’s a pretty solid assumption) that she will be sworn in as POTUS before 2028 should Biden win. I want to be convinced why I should vote Biden/Harris. Please, let their supporters convince me why this will be a good thing and how. I’ll try to be open…’sell me this pen.’
Let's get some semi-comatose nursing home residents in on this vote.


You may have seen Tulsi Gabbard calling out Kamala Harris for withholding exculpatory evidence while she was California AG that could have exonerated a man on death row. Harris didn't even attempt to deny the allegation, she just yammered about how proud she was of her work as AG, what a champion for the people she was.

Btw while I don't agree with her on some issues I'd much rather see Tulsi in the White House than the Potato Puppet-In-Chief, Kamala or Hillary - or *anyone* else on the Dem side. This is the woman Dems could have chosen but instead wanted an empty husk who would do and say what he's told.

If what the author of this editorial below says is accurate the larger story is really bad. Besides Harris, police and then Ca Gov. Jerry Brown are implicated. Kevin Cooper the man in question was no Boy Scout, he had a criminal history and was an escapee from prison hiding in a nearby house when the murders took place but it sure sounds like any physical evidence connecting Cooper to the crime was planted and police were well aware of another far more likely suspect. Cooper's timing for escaping and where he chose to hide may have just been really unlucky.

According to the author Nicholas Kristof when he first wrote about this Harris contacted him and talked about how badly she felt and that she hoped Jerry Brown would allow the testing. Did she take it up as a personal crusade for justice in righting a wrong she'd been a participant in? Not that I've been able to find, apparently that was the extent of her comments on the matter.

And from the Demleft who constantly harp on how a black man can't get a break with the criminal justice system and were shown that Kamala is the embodiment of problems in the justice system?


It's long but it's an interesting read.
Kamala Harris would be (will be if that tickets win this Nov) the most incompetent, inept, clusterfuck of a President in United States history, Trump haters please convince me otherwise
As long as The Donald doesn’t choose Greene as his running mate then I’ll be comfortable casting a trump vote without worry of a VP assuming Presidential office and duties. If/when Kamala Hariss does if Biden is re-elected, that is just pure stupidity of American voters. Don’t agree? Prove me wrong and let’s debate
Nobody with some Kamala support and this is who you support as the backup form POTUS after all of the Trump hate and how terrible he is and will be if he is POTUS again?
There is a very probable chance she will be in Office before Biden’s term ends and you would be a fool to think that is not a real likelihood. So how will Kamala donas acting Commander in Chief. Come in now, don’t be shy. Share your opinions on her in that acting position. I really want to hear them. I may even take due off of ignore status to read his blathering idiocy on this one
She'll take orders from the same shadow cabal as Joedaughtershowers.