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  1. S

    ASIO Windows Config Query

    Thanks, that worked, lowering frequency and reducing buffer size smoothed out the sound perfectly.
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    ASIO Windows Config Query

    I have intermittent blips/clipping occurring on playback of a recorded audio, though the meters are peaking around 70%, not sure why there is a clipping sound. Is there something perhaps not set correctly in the DAW?
  3. S

    ASIO Windows Config Query

    Interesting, do the regular drivers from Windows negatively impact audio quality?
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    ASIO Windows Config Query

    Hello! I have started using Ableton Live and note that Apple users have Core Audio which allows them to select two different audio devices, one for Input, another for Output. How can this be done with Windows using ASIO? I have attached a screenshot for reference of what I am viewing. Thanks!
  5. S

    Binaural Interface + Mic Setup Recommendations

    After a lot of research, I think I will land on the SM7B after all - but a final bump to the thread for any comparable mics recommendations before I pull the trigger. I have purchased a MOTU M4, because it was only $40 more expensive than the M2 at my local. Thanks to everyone for their...
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    Binaural Interface + Mic Setup Recommendations

    @rob aylestone The 416 shotgun seemed closest to what I am looking for from a sound perspective of the options in the video, though price and mic-type aren't right. Trying to find something to wet-feet in the audio-recording space right now. Do you have any suggestions for a mic that carries a...
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    Binaural Interface + Mic Setup Recommendations

    That is great information, thank you! Now considering the Mini Fuse 2, 2i2 and MOTU M2, though it appears the M2 is best at this stage. What would be a recommendation for a good value mic in a mono setup? (I can try both mono and binaural, see how each fits the job, but to start it seems...
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    Binaural Interface + Mic Setup Recommendations

    This is a fair point that I probably haven't knowingly picked up on when watching YT. This is an example of the style cooking video I wanted to try, just so I can better share the audio signature I like: If I opt for a single-mic instead, do you have any recommendation? The C2's seem...
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    Binaural Interface + Mic Setup Recommendations

    Hi there, SmokeyDolphin reporting in. I'm looking for some advice that can help me to come to a decision quickly, so that I can get to fiddling with hardware, and learning some basics to sound recording. Objective: Good sounding (clear, slightly warm) binaural setup for a beginner at a...